February 27, 2007


I suppose this could just be me, but I believe that respect is a virtue that has been moved farther and farther back on the burner. How disappointed I am in individuals that I hold in high esteem show disrespect for others. The pain that I have when I see someone doing this is near unbearable, but oh the pain when one directs the disrespect towards me. Life is a hard enough struggle, but to have someone that belittles you from disrespect is just another load of suffering... Be respectful! Even if you can't stand the individual, show a little respect and acknowledge their existence as a human being. Don't make the burden someone else carries more difficult than it already is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think just showing another human being that basic respect is part of being human. There are so many folks disconnected from their humanity, and it is sad! :(