August 3, 2008

Top Songs in My Life Currently

1. Maneater- Nelly Furtado
2. The Middle- Jimmy Eat World
3. Calling You- Blue October
4. What's Left of Me- Nick Lachey
5. When it All Falls Apart- The Veronicas
6. Walking on Broken Glass- Annie Lennox
7. Apologize- One Republic
8. Rain- Breaking Benjamin

I know... it's a weird combination of music... but that's just how I am. These songs seems to comfort me more than any others right now so that's why they are on the top of my list. I just wish that I could play them over and over until I felt better, but we all know that is not going to happen. Maybe they will just help for the time being...


Royell Phong said...

Hey you keep your chin up things will turn out, maybe not the way we think they will but they will for the better. I wish that I could help you more, but don't forget I'm here if you ever need me!! Good luck, and I'll say an extra prayer for you tonight! Love you tons, Royell

Chris Clark said...

Awesome Songs!! like 4 of your songs would be in my TOP songs! thats crazy..... O, im going to miss songs. you better write me and tell me who is coming out with what killer songs, im going to miss out on like.... 2 years of MUSIC!

Unknown said...

I'll have to check some of them out. The last band I remembered you recommending to me was The Killers. I have one song by them on my iPod...

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.