July 27, 2008

Growth where Growth is Undesired

Golly... I learn so many things so often that I should be more faithful when writing something here on the blog. Right now I am marveling (not with a- persay- good connotation) at how life can change so quickly. Never before in my life have I been so confused at what my Heavenly Father's plan is for me. I suppose I have know what it is, it's just that little upsets happen that turn me around until I am so dizzy I lose focus. It's amazing that it can change even from one day to the next.

Life, for me, has always been about learning and improving. I love to learn and I desperately want to improve myself. But these past few days have left me lost with what Heavenly Father would want me to learn. I was searching through all of my personal understanding to discover why I was so lost. But a good talk with my mom (bless her soul for putting up with me) set me in the right direction. I have been a very independent person, but I am learning now that I need to have more of my Heavenly Father's influence in my life. I need to allow his guidance to direct me. I guess I get my mind so set on the way I think it should be (and the way I think Heavenly Father thinks it should be) that I forget His influence and council. I am going to let him guide me more with everything that I do, but I hope things don't go completely astray from how they have been.

I also want to mention that the storm that rolled through today was helpful to me in more than one way. I love the rainy weather and could not be more thankful that it came when it did, but I also got to meet my neighbors, who I have neglected for so long! I am such a horrible person when it comes to being social- but I truly enjoyed getting to know them and hope to visit some time soon.

A special thanks is in order for my mother- whom I love with all my heart. The sweetie is going to come and visit me while I struggle through this trial, but I know that we are going to have fun while she is here!

This picture was taken outside during the thunder strom... it looked cooler in life.


Leslie said...

Hey Olivia,
Thanks for the good cry... You are an amazing young woman. You're Heavenly Father will show you the way, you can count on that. Love ya,

Chris Clark said...

Olivia! your so insightful, im gonna be one lucky fellow to have an awesome cuzing like you to write to whenever im in need of a fresh perspective! i only have 8 days to go, how crazy is that. Well i always enjoy reading your stuff have a great week, ill be sure to call you before i go Amish.

Chris Clark said...

Olivia! you won an award, check it out on my blog :D

Unknown said...

Olivia... sounds like you've gone through a lot of introspection and with your mother's help! I need to listen to what my mother has to say more as I take it for granted at times. And Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves! Good post btw! :) You should post more in your "notes" on FB - glad to see that you're keeping the blog updated! :)