March 10, 2008

Brain Damage

Hola world!

I have not written in a very long time about something that is on my mind or whatnot. However, I have been coming to view myself in such new light, and have been having such a hard time with life, that I need to say something- anything- or else I just might go crazy.

I have come to realize that it is important to be balanced in your life. I have no balance right now, and because I am trying to balance it out I keep loosing control and whack my head on the ground a lot. Unfortunately, I really believe that this 'whacking' that I am doing to my head is giving me some serious brain damage. I have lost a lot of patience; I am dissatisfied with everything that I do; I am unsure about a lot of things; I am always behind; I forget the important things in my life; and on top of all that, I am now sick (well I've been sick for about a week now, but it got worse last night).

Because I have been so focused on everything that is negative, that is all I am getting. Everything that seems to be happening in my life all seems to be negative and it depressing me way out! I have been trying desperately to fix everything because I don't like the way everything is, but as I said earlier I feel like I am giving myself brain damage. The more I try the harder I hit. Whatever though. If I focus on the positive, maybe things will get better. Hopefully. *crossed fingers*

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