September 25, 2006


Well now that I have the ridiculous assignments for my class finished, I can go ahead and say what I want to! I just want to tell all the world that life is what you make it out to be... If you are ornery, of course the world will beat you up. If you cannot sleep, of course the world will make you miserable by thinking of your falts. The truth is easy. No one is perfect!!!! I have spent a lot of my life trying to be so, but I find that it is just nice to relax and enjoy the ride... Now I am not saying that a person needs to do everything and anything 'bad' that they can (I put bad in quotations because it is different for all of us), but I believe that if one looks at a situtation and realizes that life is going to happen (whether embarssing or not) and that person has to take hold of what they can and swing around with it! It's so easy to get in a rut and look at things pessimisticly, but I enjoy a challenge, and if you do here's one: Don't get caught in the same routine! Spice it up! Life will look a lot better if you can laugh at yourself. I find I am a ridiculous freak!!! But who really cares? I am sure you don't!

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Everybody hates me, nobody likes me, guess I'll eat some worms."? Well if you have and you feel that this applies to you... do it. Go eat a nice juicy, slimy worm. Then when you are done think about it......... If you laugh at yourself you understand what I am trying to explain.